Sunday, January 08, 2006

A fairly successful day so far....

All of the items apart from finishing the jumper have been achieved. I am shocked.
My flat is clean, marmalade has been made (yummy).
Unwanted stash items (plus a few more random things) listed on ebay.
Photos taken of a few of my finished items that have not been made for others. They are uploaded into Flickr and there is a link in the side bar under "I knit these..."
There is also an experimental casserole in the oven, basically beef in guinness. I hope it tastes nice.
Whilst there is no more of the train track pullover to show you I thought I would share with you a photo of my oldest knitted friend, Muffet. My mum made him for me when I was about 5 and he is one of the most precious things in the world to me. I recently found a pattern for him on ebay, which I bought, but I am not sure if there can ever be another (actually, my brother has one too, in original colours, but his is not loved as much). He comes from a children's TV show called Pullover which was broadcast on central TV in the early 1980's . He is meant to be the little boys pullover which gets up off the end of the bed at night and has adventures.

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