In preparation for her 30th birthday Kerrie over at Hipknits has asked us to share 30 things about ourselves with the prospect of winning £30 worth of HipKnits yarn... how could I resist. Here are mine:
1. I am terrified of lobsters, over the years my fear has lessened slightly and I can now just about cope with pictures of them..
2. I have purple carpet in my bedroom... and I chose it
3. Anything stripey makes me happy (but perhaps not a stripey lobster)
4. I am very messy
5. I hate not knowing where I am going and need a map if I am going somewhere I haven't been before
6. I like to count when I am waiting for the bus or train, it passes the time and I try and guess what number I will get to before the bus/train arrives
7. If I can knit and count at the same time that is perfect
8. I have a scar on my knee from falling over on the way to my GCSE maths exam. I spent the whole exam with blood running down my leg, yuck!
9. I am not very tall, 5ft 3"
10. But my feet are quite big, size 7.
11. I am clumsy
12. I love lists and have a book that I write them in (that is stripey)
13. I work for a bank but never see any money
14. I work in a library with no books, but I am a librarian of sorts
15. I like growing vegetables but don't have much room. One day I would like to have an allotment or big veg patch
16. I don't go swimming as often as I promise myself I will
17. I live on my own (most of the time)
18. I have recently discovered the joys of crochet
19. I hate hate hate the foundation chain
20. I like to be able to buy yarn whilst on holiday, preferably something I can't get at home (pictures of yarn from Holland soon)
21. I wish I could knit as fast as my mom.
22. I still bite my nails
23. I am a long suffering Wolverhampton Wanderers fan
24. My favourite toy is called Muffet and he still sleeps in my bed when I get lonely or sad
25. I never thought I would enjoy knitting socks, but I do
26. I can't believe how many balls of "socks to be" I have accumulated in such a short time
27. I believe sausage and mash to be the best comfort food in the world (but only good sausages with loads of onion gravy... yum)
28. I find it funny that there are people out there who want to read this
29. I am nosy which is why I like to read lots of other blogs
30. I will be 30 next May
That's what I want for tea - sausage and mash! Thanks!!
Your list is lovely and poetic, Ruth. Plus, I totally agree about the foundation chain. So cool to get back from hols and have all these posts to read... See you soon! K
I am so glad that a fellow Mash Anonymous potential attendee exists out there! Mash lovers unite!
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