On Sunday 21st May 2006, my other half shall be running an unimaginable 10 kilometres in the BUPA Great Manchester Run. Why is he putting his knees through such an ordeal I hear you ask. Well for very good reason. Please read on…
He shall be running to raise money for a little known charity called ‘The Aplastic Anaemia Trust’. Aplastic Anaemia is a life threatening form of bone marrow failure. This means that blood cells, which are essential for life, are no longer produced. Although it is a relatively unheard of disease, it is as common as some types of leukaemia, and just as devastating.
The work of the AAT has made a profound difference to many lives. Great advances have been made in the care and management of Aplastic Anaemia in a purpose built, state-of-the-art ward financed by the AAT. Thirty years ago, no more than 1 in 10 patients survived for a year. Today, 7 out of 10 will be restored to a good quality of life. You can find out more about the work of the AAT at
This charity is particularly important to him, as his mom was diagnosed with Aplastic Anaemia and underwent intensive treatment, (similar to chemotherapy), lasting several months. Twelve months later, the disease is still in remission and his mom can lead a normal life.
Please help to raise the success rate to greater than 70% by sponsoring him. He has set up a website where you can make a direct donation,
www.justgiving.co.uk/tonytiger, although you should bear in mind that the company which operates it, takes 5% of your donation in fees. If you wish to donate without incurring any fees please feel free to
email him directly.
If you are unable to make a monetary contribution, I would urge you to make a more personal one. The treatment of Aplastic Anaemia involves many, many blood transfusions, and would therefore be impossible without blood donors. If you don’t already donate, or haven’t for some time, look up your local donation centre at
www.blood.co.uk/pages/search.asp. A typical donation only takes around 15 minutes and you can book an appointment online. Do it now before you forget!
Thank you to everyone who has already sponsored him, he has have raised over £200 to date.