Boy it's hot here tonight!
Here is what I have been upto this week. Commuting knitting -more on the TT's socks. I'm glad they are pooling in the same way, however I think things may be going a bit off now I'm starting on the decreases for the foot... never mind.

Also, home knitting has been a cardigan for baby Toby (to match his blanket - made from the left over yarn). It is from the
childhood pattern in
Knitty but without the hood, as there was not enough red yarn left. I made the smallest size, and I hope it will fit him in a couple of months when it gets a bit colder. I hope it isn't too girly. I get to meet the little man tomorrow. I can't wait!

Today also saw my first trip to
Stash Yarns in Putney. I was on my way to watch the football with friends in Chiswick, so it seemed the perfect time to stop by. I was on the lookout for some secret pal presents. They did not disappoint. I managed to get some sock yarn for my pal. I don't think she has knitted socks before, so I'm going to send her a sock kit as some encouragement. I also got the most amazing skein for my One Skein Pal. I can't decide whether to knit with it myself and send it to her, to whether to just send it. Here is a little
sneak into the makers of the fab yarn. Not saying any more until I make a decision on what to do.
Shop was lovely, I wanted to buy everything. I also met two fellow bloggers who were perusing...
Kate and
Ling. Good luck with the socks, hope you managed to buy some fab things!