Especially when virtually every item of clothing he has contains at least a smidgen of brown.

Can you believe there is no brown DK wool in my stash? No, me neither, however I couldn't find any. I ended up buying this brown Patons Diploma Gold from my LYS. I asked for wool - this is as good as it gets, 55% Wool, 25% Acrylic, 20% Nylon. It has slightly too much of an acrylic squeakyness for my liking, but it is the kind of shop that once you have entered you feel like you have to buy *something*. At £2.50 a ball it probably makes sense. Plus it will go in the washing machine AND tumble drier.

I knitted the 6 month size. It fits now, but will probably still fit at Christmas. Fingers crossed.
To make up for the acrylicness - some gorgeous owl buttons, bought at the iKnit Weekender last year from Textile Garden.

This weekend we are off to Fibre Flurry in Birmingham. My first knitting event with Thomas. I MUST remember the Lizard Ridge Blanket which is being raffled off for p/hop. Let's hope we raise enough money to take us over the £20k target - which in 2 years is pretty good going :o)