I've nearly finished square number 12 and I'm liking it so far.
I've been knitting on the train too. Here is Haystacks sock number 1.

I should have *just* enough yarn to finish number 2, they might not be completely matching however! I'm hoping to finish the second sock soon as I'm getting all excited about my first yarn yard club parcel for a while which should arrive in the next couple of days. I'm having lots of fun imagining what colours Natalie has dyed for us.
In between crocheting and sock knitting I've been keeping up with my "Knitting for me" resolution..

This is the start of Liesl by Ysolda in some boring black GGH Samoa - hopefully it will be perfect for work.
I'm also going to swatch for Secret of the Stole III - in some purple Malabrigo laceweight. Are you going to join me?