A wonderful time was had once again in the Bar Convent.
I spent Saturday morning going around the charity shops with Yvette. Here is my haul:

A duffle coat for Thomas, a Radley bag (to match my new boots), skittles for Thomas, books, beads and vintage patterns.
We had a secret swap again this year, my parcel was wrapped in this fabulous rainbow fabric. There was also some crayon fabric which I have sent home with Yvette for her to make into one of her fabulous project bags and a bag of Malteasers (which didn't survive the weekend.)

Lastly, we raised money for MSF with a p/hop yarn swap, I took a lot of fleece I know I will never use and here is the rainbow of swap yarn I brought home with me.

I had a fantastic time catching up with old friends and making new ones. Wren taught me how to darn, and I have managed to replace the toe on one holey sock and darn another since I returned home.
I very much enjoyed sampling the sloe gin and raspberry vodka - a must make for me this summer, it was delicious.