Thursday, February 23, 2012

Christmas 2007 in February 2012

If ever a pair of socks deserved a "Ta Daaaah!" it is these.
Highland Schottische Kilt Hose by Nancy Bush from Folk Socks.
Kilt Hose for Kerry
They were started way way back in November 2007, finished on the 10th February 2012, arrived in their new home today and will be off on Honeymoon to Scandinavia soon! 
Here are some shots I took before I parcelled them up (they are a little too small for me).
Kilt Hose for Kerry
For two socks knit 4 years apart they aren't that bad!
Kilt Hose for Kerry
There is one place they are definitely fraternal - the calf shaping - but no one is perfect...
Kilt Hose for Kerry
I am so glad they are finally finished!


faith76 said...

They are well snazzy - I love the intricate detail! Well done for finishing them.

Sarah said...

Hurray! Very pretty.

Anonymous said...

They are quite literally the best socks ever. All the better for the anticipation and build up. Thanks Roo! Kerry X

Kate said...

I think they deserve a complete fanfare and possibly baton twirling to boot. :-D They're gorgeous!

Roobeedoo said...

Heee-euch! Toss that caber, lassie!

(I'm allowed to use stereotypes cos I'm Scottish!)

Fab, Roo! So you'll be starting another pair for yourself straightaway then?

Shannon said...

Those are fabulous! I love the pattern and the cuff at the top!