Being one of the hosts I guess I should be one of the first to post this. Want to join us for a UK based knitting/crochet swap? Then sign ups are open now. Go to the UK Swap blog for more info
Part One: CraftingDo you knit, crochet, or both?Both, I tend to knit more than I crochet but I enjoy both.
What do you like to make?Socks, socks and more socks! I am a little obsessed. When not knitting socks I am usually making something for one of the small children I know. I've crocheted quite a few baby blankets in recent years, and will be making more this summer as there are 4 babies due to friends in October! My aim this year was to knit more for me and finish a cardigan/jumper... I'm not there yet, but I have started the cardigan.
I am also on my second lace scarf/shawl.. which I really enjoy as long as I have time to concentrate
Do you have a favourite project?The project I am most proud of is my
Swan Lake Mystery StoleThe items I wear the most are my
Jaywalkers and my soon to be favourite will be my
Speedway socksDo you have a favourite type of fiber or brand of yarn?Um, I like wool, but wool that isn't too itchy (like merino). I guess my favourite is probably
Malabrigo, which I made my Mystery Stole from and I'm using for my Mr Greenjeans Cardigan.
As far as sock yarns go, I love
Yarn Yard sock yarn and
Lorna's Laces. In fact anything machine washable is good in my book.
Do you have a least favourite type of yarn?Squeaky acrylic or novelty yarn. I am a bit of a yarn snob!
Do you do any other crafts?I have a sewing machine that I'm slowly learning to use. I go to dressmaking classes every Wednesday.
Do you knit in public? If so where do you like knitting and what is your "portable" project?Yes, on the train mostly but sometimes in the square at lunchtime or in a pub with my knitting group. My portable project is nearly always socks, but sometimes blanket squares.
What do you carry your "portable" knitting in? I have an assortment of little sewn project bags.
Are there any knitting gifts (book, toy, yarn, item, tool) that you have been lusting over? I would love to get the Barbara Walker Treasuries, I think these will be on my Christmas wish list. At the moment I have to go to the reference library and they only have book 2!
As for yarn, probably any sock yarn. I am trying to only buy solid or semi solid colourways but am still attracted by the bright stripes of Regia and I want to try the new Noro Sock Yarn.
Part Two: Your FavouritesWhat is your favourite colour?Purple. Any shade. Or anything stripy. I seem to have a thing for yellow at the moment too.
What is your least favourite colour?Anything too boring, like beige or pastels.
What scents/smells do you like? What don’t you like?
I like lavender, but I'm not really big on powerful smelling things. My favourite perfume is Flowers by Kenzo if that helps.
How do you like to pamper yourself? (bubble bath, hand creams, massage, manicure)
I love a pedicure, but that doesn't happen very often (although it should now summer is coming). I have some fab lush handcream at work.
What goodies to you like to eat? (chocolate, biscuits, sweets,crisps etc)I'm on a diet so I'm trying not to eat "bad things" but my fave chocolate is Green & Blacks, Malteasers or Crunchie.
Do you prefer tea or coffee while you knit? Any particular kind?Tea, peppermint or rooibos.
Do you listen to/watch anything while you knit? (TVshow-Along, movies, music, podcasts, audiobooks)I've just started listening to audiobooks, the current one is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which I've got from the library. I listen to podcasts too, Cast on, Lixie Knits it and Miss Flip Knits.
Part Three: About you, Living & Past-timesIf you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be (and why)?Nothing too exotic. Maybe some British sock yarn... although I'd have some nice regular, orderly stripes.
Where do you live in the UK? (General idea not address)Wolverhampton
Have you always lived here, or did you grow up somewhere else?Grew up here, went to Sheffield for Uni and lived in London for a few years until I came home.
What is your favourite place in the UK?The Lake District
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?Exploring the Highlands of Scotland or the Canadian Rockies.
What other hobbies do you have?I'm a long suffering Wolverhampton Wanderers season ticket holder. Say no more!
Part Four: The Theme
As part of this swap we are asking you to post (or link to) a picture or photograph you like. Your swap pal will use the photo as a basis for a themed item or parcel.

This is me in the Dick Bruna house in Utrecht. I love Miffy and I love the bright primary colours of the books on the walls. (Even though there is no purple!)
Final Part:Any allergies/preferences (fiber-wise or treat-wise)?Nope.
Anything we missed that you’d like your partner to know?I love getting to know my swap partner and trying to guess who they are so I'll probably be hassling for clues from Day 1!