This is what it looked like when we got the keys in early April:

It is an end plot, up against a fence which backs onto the playing fields of a local junior school. There is also a big patch of brambles in front of it which are going to take some controlling!
It took us a while to make a plan. I bought some slabs from ebay and we have made a path around two sides. Eventually we will have a path on 3 sides and two across the plot making three areas to plant out.
The initial plan was to rotivate it, however it turns out that not jumping in all guns blazing was a good thing, the plot is full of bindweed and horsetail. So we've been digging it out slowly.

It is amazing what a few hours digging can achieve!
I'm going to be sharing the plot with my FIL as I don't think I'll manage it on my own at the moment with Thomas. He has already been creating incredible structures.

All I need is to get the potatoes planted, the beans in and the courgettes out of the greenhouse!