The latest pair of socks has taken me a couple of months to complete; as always, I got bored after number one and let number two languish on the needles for far too long!

The pattern is
IB Footsie, part of a series of socks based on the CSI TV programme published
here and very kindly purchased for me by my Socktopus secret santa.

I have to admit to never having watched CSI, but I knew as soon as I saw the twisted stitches in this sock I would have to knit it. It did leave me wondering if you could decrease the gusset along the edge of the pattern and whether that would be neater than having separate gusset decreases... something I may have to experiment with.

Knit in one of the first Yarn Yard Clan club colourways, called Thistle. I've been saving this yarn for the right pattern.... and I think I found it. I love the subtle varigation in the purples.
But what is that funny toe above? A little experiment. I've nearly worn through the toe of my labour socks (also knitted in Clan - a pure merino); so I've experimented with a slip stitch toe on one of the socks to see if it lasts better than the other.

Fingers crossed it does.
Started: February 2nd
Finished: March 30th
Yarn: The Yarn Yard Clan
Pattern: IB FootsieNeedles: 2.5mm addi circs