There has been a distinct lack of crafty goings on to report on recently. However, that doesn't mean my hands have been sitting idle.
I have been busy blanket making again... this time I needed not one, but two.
My lovely friends Dan & Kate had twins a couple of weeks ago. One boy and one girl, born full term and home within a couple of days. Thank goodness!
For Twin One (Daisy):

A granny blanket made from Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino - the odds and ends of what I have left from other blankets. 25 squares, 7 rounds each. I made the multi coloured centres first and then joined as I went in cream. I waited until I knew if twin one was a boy or a girl before adding the lilac border.
Ravelled here.For Twin Two (Robin):

Another trusty Hexagon Blanket. Again, in DB Baby Cashmerino. I ran out of the bluey/purple after completing about half the blanket. I was sure I had more, but alas no. Of course this colour was discontinued about 4 years ago, but after several failed attempts I managed to get another 4 balls from
a very friendly retailer.59 hexagons and 8 half hexes - exactly the same as my
"original" Hexagon Blanket.
They are both now en-route to their new home. Fingers crossed they arrive safely and keep the little ones snuggly and warm.
Now I've got until March to think up some more blanket ideas. Two more babies due on the 15th (but to different parents!)