Chocolate Cosmos, purchased from a local nursery. I love the colour, and it really does smell like chocolate!
The lovely people from the Yarn Yard group on Ravelry have helped me work out this is an Aqueligia (Columbine) . Aren't those colours stunning together?
The Hollyhock that Tony's mum gave me last year has now turned into a triffid! It is now much higher than the 6 foot fence. This photo was taken last weekend, since then it has turned into a riot of flowers!
Hollyhock flowers
Lastly, the mushroom log I got for Christmas has started producing. Here are my Shitake Mushrooms - We'll be having them for dinner this evening....
Oh yes - chocolate cosmos mmmmm.
Lovely photos!
Gorgeous! Very pretty, and yummy too (don't you just want to eat choccy when you smell the cosmos tho?).
Also, sponsored your walk, rather late. Well done on that and the Race for Life :D
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